Frogs: 10 Strange Things You Should Know

Frogs are just one of the many hundreds species of amphibian across the world with their multiple sub-species from the common garden frog to poisonous South American frogs. Each of which has evolved over thousands of years to acclimatize to their environments.

Let’s take look at 10 strange things you should know about frogs.

1. Why Do Frogs Stop Croaking All at Once?

During the breeding season, male frogs croak to attract the females. The croaking duration will vary depending on the species and environmental factors. We understand why your frog stops croaking at once is a matter of concern that requires attention.

So, why do frogs stop croaking all at once? Since frogs use their croaks to get mates, they will shut up once they get them. For instance, wood frogs will start calling when ice is still present in the ponds and will not croak again for the rest of the year.

Environmental factors will also affect your frog’s croak. Very hot or windy conditions will cause your frog to stop croaking as they wait for better conditions. This is because frogs croak while outside the water, and these conditions will make them prone to dehydration.

If you want to know why frogs stop croaking all at once, this is the ultimate guide for you. We will help you know how to revive a dead frog, whether frogs die with their eyes open, whether frogs close their eyes when they sleep if frogs can eat black widow spiders or climb windows, why your frog is not eating, and what you can do, whether you can feed your frog chicken, and how many flies a frog can eat a day. Read through the rest of the sections to find out all the answers you need.

2. How Do You Revive a Dead Frog?

Frogs rely on their skin for rehydration and oxygen supply. This is only possible if your frog is moist. Thus, if your frog stays out of the water for extended periods, its skin will dry out, causing an insufficient supply of oxygen and eventual death.

If your frog is dying due to dehydration, you can revive it through rehydration. To do this, soak it in a container with water, ensuring its nostrils are above the water to breathe properly. You can also use a dish with wet paper towels or spray it with warm water, depending on the severity of dehydration. Afterward, place your frog in a cool environment and observe it for signs of life.

While moistening your pet, you should not overdo it as you may drown your pet. If you have Pedialyte, you can use it instead of water. While reviving your pet, minimize human handling, as this might damage the already dehydrated and damaged frog’s skin.

3. Do Frogs Die With Their Eyes Open?

A dying frog will exhibit a disoriented or sluggish appearance. You will notice this whether your pet is in or around the pond with close monitoring. If your frog is dying out of illness, it will display additional symptoms such as ulcers, discolored skin, or bleeding. Taking your pet for treatment upon noticing these symptoms is crucial to saving its life.

When a frog dies, it will close its eyes. It does this by sinking them down its mouth. However, before considering your frog dead and throwing it away, you should try reviving it. You should also wait for signs of rotting or an awful smell before throwing it away.

Whether your frog dies a natural death or not, you should not feed it to your household pets as this may result in the transmission of diseases that could be fatal.

4. Do Frogs Close Their Eyes When They Sleep?

There is little research on whether frogs sleep and how their sleeping patterns are. If you find your frog laying still in its enclosure, it is best to avoid disrupting it, as it could be catching up with its sleep.

Frogs close their eyes when sleeping. They do this by sinking it into their mouth. Closing eyes camouflages a frog and protects it during sleep. A frog has three eyelids. Its lower eyelid is stationary, while the upper one keeps the eyes moist through occasional blinking. The third eyelid, commonly known as the nictitating membrane, is noticeable when a frog is sleeping.

This eyelid protects the frog’s eyes when it is underwater. It varies in appearance and can be clear, white, foggy, or beautifully patterned. When the third eyelid takes a clear appearance as the frog is sleeping, you may assume your frog’s eyes are open, but this is not usually the case.

When a frog is sleeping, its eyes depress down the sockets causing the bottom to bulge down into the mouth. This is the same technique a frog uses when swallowing food. It will close its eyes, and the bottom of its eyes will push the food further down its throat, given that these pets do not have teeth to chew their food. This explains why a frog cannot swallow food with its eyes open.

5. Do Frogs Eat Black Widow Spiders?

Black widow spiders are venomous. They are known to cause death in humans after biting them. Having such insects in your pet’s enclosure can harm them; hence, not worth the risk.

Frogs can eat black widow spiders if they get a hold of them. Since the spiders are venomous and not poisonous, they may not harm your pet as long as they do not bite them. However, consuming these insects might make your frog ill, even if it does not kill it.

Since you cannot get the black widow spider in pet stores, it is challenging to try this food option with your frog. You will also not want to try catching this spider, given its venomous nature. Feeding your pet on black widow spiders can also introduce parasites since it is difficult to tell where these creatures have passed through.

Given the risks of feeding your frog on the black widow spider, it is best to keep these creatures off your frog’s enclosure through regular cleaning. You can also spray carbon dioxide in your pet’s enclosure to get rid of unwanted insects. While doing this, remove your pet first from the enclosure to avoid harming it.

6. Why Do Frogs Climb Windows?

Generally, frogs thrive on land provided there is a pond nearby. The tree frog species, unlike other frogs, live in trees just like their name suggests. They will change their color depending on their substrate, but this is not as fast as in chameleons.

A frog in captivity will climb windows in pursuit of insects, its main food. Usually, you will observe this when you turn on your lights, especially at night. Insects get attracted to this light, and once your frog spots them, it will jump to the windows to try to get a hold.

Tree frogs can climb glass windows since they have sticky toe pads. Their toes have glands that secrete a sticky mucus that enables them to stick on any surface. These frogs are also more flexible than the other frog species, enabling them to grab windows and branches without falling. They will move around the windows by spreading out their legs like squirrels while hunting the insects.

Frogs may also move to the window due to temperature changes. If your house is warmer at night, windows will serve as avenues of heat loss. Since frogs become uncomfortable in hot temperatures, they will move to your windows to enjoy the cool breeze or temperatures.

7. Why Is My Frog Not Eating?

Feeding is the most basic routine for any pet owner. However, what if your frog refuses the food even after investing in its delicacy? In such a case, understanding the reason why your frog is not eating is key towards making it start eating.

Your frog will not eat due to either natural or health reasons. Naturally, frogs can go for long periods without eating, and when this happens, your frog will not exhibit signs of ill health. The duration will also vary depending on the species.

A new frog may not eat because it is not yet settled in the tank. When new, a frog will want to familiarize itself with its new enclosure and owners. If you have many people crowding it to admire or observe it, they will stress your pet, affecting its appetite.

Also, when new, the frog is not used to you feeding it and will reject the food, especially if you are feeding it using your hands. Frogs may also refuse food depending on whether you are feeding them live or dead prey. Therefore, understanding your pet’s preference is the key to meeting its dietary needs.

Bacterial and viral infections can affect your frog’s appetite. In addition to lack of appetite, a frog with a bacterial infection will lose weight, have cloudy eyes, edema, and skin hemorrhaging. On the other hand, viral infections are difficult to identify, and contacting a vet is ideal for telling whether your pet is infected.

8. What Do You Do If Your Frog Isn’t Eating?

Your frog could be eating, but it may be difficult to tell, especially if you do not spend a lot of time with it. Thus, if you feed it on insects, you can confirm if it is feeding or not depending on the population of the insects. However, if your frog is not feeding completely, you can make changes depending on the causes of its lack of appetite.

If your frog is not eating because it is adjusting to the new environment, you should change the enclosure set up to ensure it is comfortable and clean. To do this, provide enough plants and hiding spaces for your frog. You can also cover your frog’s tank with a dark cover on three sides to allow it to acquaint slowly with its environment. Once your frog settles in, you can remove the dark covers.

If your frog refuses live prey, consider hand-feeding it. To do this, kill the cricket or insect you want to feed your pet and hold it using a pair of blunt forceps. When handling your frog during feeding, use clean hands and wash your hands afterward. If your pet refuses to eat dead prey, then try placing live prey in its enclosure to coax them into eating.

Where infections affect your pet’s appetite, move your frog to a separate enclosure to reduce the spread of infection. You can then administer antibiotics to cure the disease. If unsure of the appropriate treatment to go for, you should talk to your vet for both bacterial and viral infection treatments. If you have more than one frog, quarantining the sick one will prevent the spread of the virus.

9. Can I Feed My Frog Chicken?

Frogs have a wide variety of food in the wild and replicating this in captivity will ensure a healthy frog. However, this is not possible, but with commercially available foods, your frog can still benefit from similar nutrients.

In the wild, frogs will not chase chicken, but if you supply them with chicken in captivity, your frog will eat it. However, this is not advisable since your frog’s digestive system is not adapted to digesting chicken. Also, feeding your frog on raw chicken exposes it to food poisoning. Therefore, it is okay to feed your frog on chicken occasionally, mixing it with other foods.

When feeding your frog, you should rotate the food options such that your frog does not eat the same food twice a week. Also, the size of the chicken you feed your frog should be smaller than the distance between its eyes.

This ensures your frog can ingest and digest the food properly without impaction. Variety is also key to healthy feeding. You should rotate the chicken with insect varieties, and if your frog is big, you can feed it on defrosted mice.

Finally, you should establish a routine when feeding your frog. An adult frog requires a small amount of food two or three times a week. Overfeeding your pet and feeding it multiple times in a day will cause very fast growth and obesity. To deal with obesity, ensure the tank is big enough for your frog to move around with ease.

10. How Many Crickets Does a Frog Eat in a Day?

Before adding a frog to your family, you should draft a menu and establish how much food your frog will eat in a day. This will vary depending on the frog species, but, generally, frogs are carnivorous predators, and providing a diet comprising live or freshly killed insects will meet most of its dietary needs.

Generally, an adult frog will start by eating 2 to 3 crickets a day, and you can increase this amount with one cricket, checking whether there are any leftovers. If the insects are smaller, your pet will eat more.

Adult frogs should eat at least three times a week. Juvenile frogs should eat daily since they are growing and require more food than adults. Feeding your adult frogs more times a week will cause obesity, given that frogs in captivity have minimal spaces to exercise. Other insects you can feed your frog include flies, worms, grasshoppers, moths, springtails, Dubia roaches, and bugs. Larger frogs will also eat small fish, lizards, mice, and other frogs.

In captivity, you will mostly rely on insects from pest stores, most of which are low quality. This is the case since breeders try to cut costs and feed insects on low-quality foods. Providing these insects directly to your pets without boosting the nutrients is therefore not advisable. To keep your frog healthy while feeding it on these insects, you will need to gut load it.

This process entails feeding the insects you’ve bought from pet stores on nutrient-dense foods for 48 hours before feeding your frogs. Doing this ensures that your frog benefits from the additional nutrients you have fed these insects when they eat them.

Alternatively, you can dust your frog’s food with vitamin and mineral supplements. To do this, place the insects in a container and sprinkle them with supplement powder, then feed them to your frog. Calcium is specifically useful for strong bones.


Frogs croak to signify the onset of the breeding season, and they will stop once they find their mate. They will also stop croaking if the environmental conditions are unfavorable such as hot or windy weather. This is because continuous croaking in such weather will cause dehydration which could be fatal.

If your frog dies due to dehydration, it is possible to revive it. To do this, soak or mist your frog, ensuring its nostrils are above the water levels. If your frog does not show signs of life after doing this, you can consider it dead and dispose of it.

In captivity, you can keep your frog healthy by mimicking its diet in the wild. To do this, provide enough insects to your adult frogs at least three times a week. For juvenile frogs, you should give these insects daily and ensure that the size of the insects is not bigger than the width between your frog’s eyes to prevent digestive impaction.

You should also consider gut loading to ensure your pet gets a share of all essential nutrients. Dusting your pet’s food with calcium supplements will also ensure it grows strong and healthy bones. Finally, you can add variety such as chicken to your pet’s diet, but this is not advisable given that chicken is not readily available in the wild.

Bal Kang

Bal Kang is an owner of several pets including reptiles, cats and dogs. An avid writer, who loves to share her insights into caring for pets.

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