Do Chameleons Smell? (In Detail)

Chameleons are interesting pets since there are so many things you can expect from them. If you are a first-time chameleon owner, there are things you need to know about them. Since most pets are placed in the living room, you might be concerned about the scent chameleons might emit if you keep them inside your house.

So, do chameleons smell? Chameleons are odorless creatures; they do not have scent glands in their bodies that can make them provide a specific smell. However, some things can make your chameleon smell, from living in a dirty and smelly enclosure to eating insects such as crickets and cockroaches. The smells from your chameleon might be occasional and will not last very long unless the situation causing the smell is not rectified.

Most chameleon owners keep their chameleons in their living rooms where guests can see them. It is okay to be concerned if your chameleons might start to smell. Keep on reading to find out if chameleons smell, when do chameleons smell bad, and do chameleons poop smell.

Chameleons are beautiful pets, and one advantage of keeping them in your house is that they do not produce any odor. Chameleons may not produce any smell, but some things can make them start to smell bad.

Chameleons on their own cannot emit any scent, bad or good. Most animals have scent glands that they use to produce a smell for various reasons, for instance, cats will use the scent glands to mark their territory. Chameleons lack scent glands, but they have the potential of smelling if subjected to certain things.

Standing water in the enclosure can make your chameleon start to smell. Stagnant water is a breeding place for many pathogens, and if you do not change the water regularly, it will start to smell. Sometimes, chameleons will play or walk in the water, and they will retain the smell. Therefore, you have to replace the water bowl in the enclosure regularly. However, if your chameleon smells because of the water, you can give it a bath to get rid of the smell.

Some insects can make your chameleon smell bad. Crickets and cockroaches are a good source of protein for your chameleon, but they can smell if they are left in the enclosure for too long. Crickets and cockroaches are quick, and it can be difficult for your chameleon to catch all of them within a short time.

If the cockroaches and crickets stay in the enclosure for some time, they will start to smell, and your chameleon may begin to smell too. If you cannot give your chameleon other insects, ensure its habitat is well ventilated.

Letting your chameleon live in a dirty cage can also make it smell bad. The enclosure of a chameleon will have numerous food remnants and body waste. If you do not clean the cage, the food remnants will start to decompose, and the chameleon’s waste will start to smell. Your chameleon will also start to smell like its cage. It is important to keep your chameleon’s cage clean to avoid the smell and prevent your chameleon from getting sick.

Using certain types of soil in your chameleon’s enclosure can make your chameleon start to smell. Using organic soil for the plants inside your chameleon’s habitat can be a great idea because your chameleon might feed on the plants’ leaves. The plants absorb all the soil substances and transfer them to the chameleon when they nibble on the leaves. Mixing the soil for your pot plants with manure will make your chameleons smell bad after some time.

When Do Chameleons Smell Bad?

Chameleons make clean pets, and it is rare for them to produce any smell. However, there are certain situations when they can smell bad.

A chameleon will start to smell bad when it becomes ill or gets injured. Certain illnesses can cause your chameleon to smell bad, for example, skin infections. A chameleon can get a skin infection if the habitat is not clean and parasites and small insects bite on its skin. Injuries can also make your chameleon smell bad. If your chameleon sustains an open wound and is not treated well, it will begin to smell. In a way, your chameleon smelling awful can be a way of telling you there is something wrong with its health.

Another occasion when your chameleon will smell bad is when it is hunting insects. Chameleons are not fast animals. They depend on their quick tongues to catch insects. However, insects do not come directly to them; they have to trick the insects into coming near them.

A chameleon has a sticky substance from its mouth and smears it on branches to attract insects. The sticky substance does not smell nice, and, sometimes, some of it will get on its body. The smell does not last that long. To prevent your chameleon from secreting the smelly substance, develop a strict feeding routine to prevent it from hunting insects.

Your chameleon will start to smell when the plants in its enclosure get root rot. Chameleons need plants in their enclosure for them to climb, hide and sleep on. Pot plants are perfect for a chameleon’s enclosure, but you need to take care of them to ensure they live. Poor drainage and overwatering of the pot plants can cause root rot.

The rotting roots will begin to smell, and your chameleon will start to smell the same. You should have a good drainage system for your chameleon’s habitat and remember to take good care of the plants too.

Chameleons also start to smell when you leave their poop too long in their enclosure. The enclosure will not smell right away, but if the poop continues to accumulate, then the stench will become too strong.

Chameleons require misting regularly, and the water mixing with the poop is not a good thing. When you are misting, make sure the habitat’s floor is clean and remove any poop you see. Good hygiene is a good way of ensuring your chameleon does not smell.

Does Chameleon Poop Smell?

One of the main concerns when owning a pet is how to clean its waste. If your pets, such as a cat or dog, leave their waste in a spot inside your house and you cannot find it fast enough to clean, it could make the house smell awful. Chameleons are small, and cleaning after them is easy.

Chameleon poop does not usually smell. Chameleons are clean animals that will use one part of their habitat as their place to poop. This makes it easy for you to clean up their habitat. Chameleons may poop once a day, and in small quantities, you need not worry about their excrement, making your living room smell bad.

Some things might make your chameleon’s poop smell. Parasites in the chameleon’s intestines can make its poop smell. A smelly poop could be an indication that your chameleon picked up a parasite infection either from its food or drinking water.

You can check your chameleon and see if it has lost weight and if the poop is runny. If these conditions continue for some time, you should take your chameleon to a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.

The diet of your chameleon can also make its poop smell. The pot plants’ leaves in the chameleon’s habitat can cause the poop to smell because of the nutrients and soil type in the pot. Sometimes, the chameleon will eat decomposing organisms found in the soil, which can cause its poop to smell.

Worms cause runny poop, which might not smell at the moment, but if it left in the habitat for a long time and the conditions do not allow it to dry, it will start to smell. You should be careful when selecting food for your chameleon to eat.

Chameleons poop in small quantities, but you should always clean their habitat to avoid their habitat smelling bad. Chameleons can poop in the same spot for a long time. If you do not clean that area, the poop will accumulate, and other factors such as urine and water will make it smell. You should clean the poop as soon as you see it in the enclosure. You can wait until it has dried up. It is easier to clean dry poop. You should also avoid misting the enclosure before cleaning it.

Final Thoughts

Pets liven up homes, but it is your responsibility as an owner to clean up after them. Chameleons are not messy pets and due to their small stature cleaning their waste is not hard. Their poop does not smell hence making the cleaning process less gross.

There are instances when your chameleon will start to smell, this includes when rubbing their jaws on branches to attract insects and when they are sick or injured. If you do not want your chameleons to smell, this article has described situations and activities you need to avoid. If your chameleons start to smell and you cannot find any issues with their habitat, take it to a veterinarian immediately.

Bal Kang

Bal Kang is an owner of several pets including reptiles, cats and dogs. An avid writer, who loves to share her insights into caring for pets.

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