Why Do Pet Birds Not Fly Away? (Amazing Pet Info)

One of the most dreaded days among bird parents is when their pet leaves the cage and flies away. They have to deal with the fear of them never coming back, failing to fend for themselves, or being attacked by predators. To deal with such eventualities, owners will do anything to keep their birds safe.

So, why do pet birds not fly away? Pet birds tend not to fly away especially if they have had their wings clipped, as they are unable to effectively fly and leave. So, even if you leave the cage open or a window or door open, birds with clipped wings will not be able to take advantage of this, as they are unable to fly away.

If an unclipped bird escapes, there are chances that it will come back, and, if not, you can seek help locating them from your friends and family. It would help if you were cautious about your bird’s safety because there are chances of them leaving and failing to find their way back.

Are you concerned about losing your buddy? We have gathered all the information you need to understand whether they can fly away and what you can do to stop it. Please take a look at the following sections to find out.

Will a Cockatoo Fly Away?

The cockatoo is adept at flying, with most flying at over sixty kilometers in an hour. Therefore, they can get very far if they leave their cages, and the wild is not very kind to such tiny birds.

Cockatoos can fly off; hence, it is risky to leave their cage or any window or door open. Even when you are religious about their safety, they can still leave your hold and fly off, and there are chances that they may get lost and never come back, especially when you are a new owner.

When alone in the wild, the birds face predators and starvation, and it takes a toll on pets because they were previously wholly dependent on their owners.

Do Cockatoos Come Back After They Fly?

Parrot bird species like cockatoos are pretty naughty and can fly away even when you ensure movement restriction. For this reason, it is advisable to be cautious whenever you let them outside the house. However, there is a silver lining when they fly away.

The cockatoos can return home after hours or even days, provided that they are in one piece. Once your pet bird is gone, you don’t have to panic. If it escaped out of curiosity after you accidentally left the cage open, it could come back. In contrast, if it was out of fear, the chances may be slim because they may feel unsafe. If you have forged a strong bond, they are likely to come back, and, if not, there are specific measures to help lead them back to you.

Initially, you can take out his cage to an open and visible area like your backyard. If possible, you can elevate it to ensure that your pet can see it as it flies around. Next, place its favorite treats inside and wait for them to spot them. They are likely to fly down to have a bite of their favorite food. Doing this in the early hours after the bird goes missing will increase the probability of coming back. If it doesn’t work, the last resort is to bring in a search team or post in the local daily or the internet and further set aside a reward.

Will a Cockatiel Fly Away?

Being a bird owner has its perks and downsides, and one problem is when their birds are flying off. It is highly likely for owners to lose their birds forever if they felt threatened. The good thing is there are ways to prevent them from escaping and retrieving them when they get lost.

Cockatiels can fly away, especially when the cage and the windows or doors are open. They can also escape off your hands if they get frightened. They are small birds, which makes it tasking to relocate them when they disappear. The chances are high that they can fly and get lost, and if they do survive, they will have to adapt to life in the wild.

The birds can fly at a speed of over sixty kilometers per hour, but pets generally don’t fly too far from their home, meaning that you can trace it if you act fast.

Should I Clip My Cockatoo’s Wings To Prevent it From Flying Away?

Most people would instead take the necessary precautions to prevent their bird from escaping. Even if you are extremely careful about locking every exit, accidents happen, and you may lose your bird. Therefore, it is imperative to prevent them from flying off even when they have the chance.

Wing clipping is one effective way to ensure that your cockatoo doesn’t fly away. It is a recommended method to put bird owners at ease, knowing that their birds cannot escape. The process involves trimming the flight feathers, making it impossible to fly off since it is impossible to fly without the particular wings.

Apart from the dangers of getting lost, most owners are concerned about their pets bumping into hazardous objects at home, such as window panes, sinks, and ceiling fans. Without flight, you can rest assured that your bird will be safe while at home and will not try to disappear into the wild.

Another advantage of wing clipping is that the pet will be entirely reliant on the owner, which improves the chances of bonding. On the contrary, some people are against the act since it denies the bird the ability to fly and exercise.

They say that being flightless can compromise the bird’s physical and mental health. The best way to go is to get more information about it so that you do it safely. Also, find out what works best according to your bird and its breed.

Does Petco Clip Bird Wings?

Clipping bird wings is a delicate process that needs you to be cautious. If not, you may assume that your pet is grounded when it can still fly or even end up hurting it. If you cannot do it on your own or are afraid you will cause injuries, it is best to find an expert who knows how to cut the wings precisely.

Petco is professional in clipping bird wings without harming your pet in any way. When something goes wrong, it can be irritating and cause complications to the animal’s health. Therefore, it is best to contact an expert at the pet store. However, you still need to be there with your bird at all times in case of anything.

It is better to let professionals do it if you are uncertain about your skills. Although it is a careful process, you can always do it meticulously if you learn alongside a professional.

According to Petco, all you need are tweezers, a pair of scissors, blood-stopping powder, and a cotton swab. You can call for assistance at home and have a few more hands to gently hold the bird to avoid frightening them in the process.

Next, you can carefully clip the particular wings. In case you miss and cut a blood feather, you can remove the root using your tweezers and apply the powder while holding with the cotton to stop blood flow. In case of any hiccups, you can ask for a vet’s guidance.

How Long Does It Take for Clipped Wings To Grow Back?

Molting is where a bird replaces the old or clipped feathers with new ones. The new feathers gradually push out the old, with various types growing back at different times.

After clipping, a bird’s flight feathers can take up to six weeks to fully grow. However, it may happen in four weeks or eight depending on how frequently your bird molts. Even in the same species, not all birds will do it within the same timeline. It also depends on the pet’s health status, diet, and hormonal levels.

Therefore, it is imperative to consult with an expert to know how frequently you need to do the trimming depending. Similarly, you can carefully observe your bird and understand when its wings will grow fully. For effective wing clipping, it is best to plan to do it up to four times annually.


The birds are easy to scare, such that even other pets or strangers can throw them off. Thus, some pet owners prefer clipping the birds’ wings to ground them preventing their escape. Even when you two are attached and have known each other for a while, birds are instinctive explorers. They can leave and never return if they get lost or attacked by a predator. Pet birds are at more risk of predatory attacks because they are used to their owners’ protection.

Similarly, it gets hard for them to look for food independently unless their primal instincts kick in. Regardless of how much you trust your buddy, it is better to be safe. In case your cockatiel escapes into the wild, there are various ways to retrieve them, especially if you start looking for them as soon as they fly off. It can be frustrating trying to find your lost bird unless you remain patient and hopeful.

Bal Kang

Bal Kang is an owner of several pets including reptiles, cats and dogs. An avid writer, who loves to share her insights into caring for pets.

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