Leopard Gecko Sounds (Barking Noises checked)

As a pet owner, you would wish to communicate with your pet to know how they feel and gauge what they want from you. Animals, however, don’t have elaborate communication strategies like humans because they use sounds and body language. If you are keen, you can quickly tell what they are trying to say.

So, do leopard geckos bark? Leopard geckos are known to bark, scream, click, or squeak to express their feelings. Primarily, they make noises when they feel that they are in danger from a predator or when another lizard is infiltrating their territory. They also do it to show that they are uncomfortable, unhappy, or hungry. Lastly, leopard geckos make noises to serve as mating calls for females when they want to mate.

When in captivity, pets have to communicate with their owners or other pets in the enclosure. Leopard geckos, for instance, are one of the most expressive animals among reptiles and are surprisingly one of the few lizards known to be vocal. Let’s take a look at some noises they make and what they signify.

Leopard Geckos, like most animals, produce particular sounds related to their current situation. You may hear them scream, bark or click, depending on their current emotional state. Sometimes, the sound serves to mark a lizard’s territory or a mating call for female geckos. Other times, they make noises because they are unhappy or uncomfortable. Every sound they make holds a deep meaning. Hence, as an owner, you need to understand what they mean and how you can help your pet.

It is typical to find geckos screaming. They make the sound when they get defensive of their territory. They will call to show their strength or scare away other creatures that they perceive as threats. It is an instinctive behavior that they have so far adopted while in the wild as a survival technique.

Similarly, they may yell at you if you try to disturb them in any way. It is also usual to find juvenile leopard geckos screaming more than their adult counterparts. Babies may find it tasking to differentiate humans from other animals; thus, they may think you are a predator. The older they get, the fonder they will become of you and the new surroundings, and you will notice a significant change in how often they scream.

Secondly, leopard geckos make chirping and squeaking sounds when with other lizards. It is their primary way of expressing discontent or as a means to entice female lizards. They do it as a mating call to attract females or as a defensive noise to drive others away from their territory. Males are also known to produce a squeak when fighting. When you handle them roughly, they may again chirp to show their discomfort. Similarly, it may be due to shock when you surprise them. Other lizards are also known to squeak when they feel hungry.

Geckos also use clicks to show that they are displeased by something. It may be right after being mishandled or when in contact with an unfamiliar human or a predator. You can employ various means to help you understand your gecko better. If you place them back in their enclosure and they immediately stop making the sound, then it means that they are not used to being handled. Otherwise, if the clicking stops when you pick them up, it indicates that they are okay with petting.

Occasionally, they make squeaking sounds even when nothing is wrong. Your pet may be busy making rounds in the enclosure while making the sound. This trait is typical among lone geckos, and you don’t need to worry about it. They may be exploring their new environment while unintentionally making noise.

Why Do Leopard Geckos Bark?

Unless you are a new pet owner, you will realize that the lizards are very vocal about their situations. You may ignore them if you are confident that they are okay but still wish to know why they do it. You would find barking, for instance, as an unexpected trait in a lizard and you would want to understand why they do it and what you can do about it.

A pet leopard gecko barking indicates a defense mode. They make the sound when they feel intimidated by other lizards or frightened by the presence of a predator. If they feel stressed, the sound comes naturally to portray fear. As a pet owner, it would help to try and find out why they are barking first because your pet may be under a lot of stress, which interferes with their health.

If there is a source of the threat, like other pets in your house, it is advisable to keep your lizard as far away as possible. Similarly, if another creature has found its way into the enclosure, you can chase it away.

First, leopard geckos bark to communicate to you and other creatures. They may be trying to inform you that they are uncomfortable or that an intruder has found its way into their territory. This sound also serves as a defense mechanism to neutralize the threat. Wild geckos are fond of barking when there is a lurking predator. The aim is to bark as loud as they can to scare off the other creature. The behavior is one they have adopted while in the wild and carry on with it even in captivity.

Therefore, if they see a giant animal in their proximity, including you, the owner, they will bark because they feel endangered. They are also scared of other pets, such as dogs. Hence, we advise not to place them in the same room. Apart from other creatures, lizards may also compete with other lizards in the same tank.

Some can be territorial, and fights may ensue within the enclosure. The best way to deal with this is to place the two lizards in different tanks; thus, there will be no casualties, as they won’t perceive each other as threats.

Are Geckos Noisy at Night?

There are many gecko species; some are nocturnal while others are diurnal. Nocturnal geckos conduct most of their activities at night, and they are likely to make noise when in their enclosure. However, the diurnal geckos operate efficiently during the day, allowing them to fend for food such as insects and flower nectar.

Whether your gecko is noisy or not depends on the species that you keep. If you have a leopard gecko, you may notice that it will be very active at night, given that the species is nocturnal. They use the time to look for mates, find food and stay away from their predators that love to hunt in the daylight. Besides climbing the glass, you will find them quite vocal using unique sounds, loud enough to keep you awake.

If you are a first-time keeper, you may wonder why your new buddy is noisy rather than sound asleep. There are some common reasons why your pet is extra loud when night falls. During this time, the gecko may be trying to find a mate; they can call females for courtship by screaming.

Secondly, it could be chirping to scare and warn others of an impending predator. Additionally, your gecko may be noisy because it doesn’t feel safe in its new environment due to insufficient hiding spots or another gecko’s presence.

Another reason why your reptile friend may become noisy is when you don’t feed it well. As a result, they start pacing up and down to find something to eat. Lastly, the cries may be due to discomfort from varied terrarium temperatures or other factors. Once you understand why your buddy becomes noisy at night, it is best to find remedies to help them, since in most cases, they make noise to tell you that they are uncomfortable.

You may try to provide enough food for them, keep them safe, and tend to their needs. If they are comfortable and their living conditions are favorable, they will find no need to bark or scream during the night.

Leopard Geckos Do Bark

You don’t need to panic whenever you hear your leopard gecko barking, squeaking, or clicking. These sounds are merely their way of expressing how they feel. We have helped you decode some sounds to help you understand what they are trying to say.

The primary reason for barking is discomfort; hence, it is paramount that you try to help them feel better as a pet owner. If they are concerned about other pets in the house, you can always move their tank to a secluded room, where other pets won’t enter.

On the other hand, if they are not okay with having a roommate, the only option is to separate them. If the barking is becoming a nuisance, some owners opt for soundproof blocks for the enclosure to block out the sound. Note that if the noise persists, your pet may be stressed, and it may affect its health too.

Bal Kang

Bal Kang is an owner of several pets including reptiles, cats and dogs. An avid writer, who loves to share her insights into caring for pets.

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