Puppies Dietary Needs (Eggs Checked Out)

Before humans opted to keep them as pets, dogs were hunters and foragers. As pets, dogs do not have to look for food, and it is up to you to provide them with a good diet. Considering a puppy’s diet is quite different from that of a mature dog, many people have numerous questions on what they can feed their puppies.

So, can puppies eat eggs? Puppies can eat eggs because they are highly nutritious and safe. Eggs contain proteins and vitamins, which are important for the growth of your puppies. However, you need to use eggs from healthy chickens.

Most vets recommend using eggs from free-range farms because chickens from free-range farms eat healthy foods and their eggs are very nutritious. You should not feed your puppies raw eggs; always cook the eggs properly to remove germs.

If you are interested to know what puppies eat, this is the guide for you. We will let you know what age puppies can eat scrambled eggs, if a 5-week and an 8-week puppy can eat scrambled eggs, and whether a two month puppy can eat eggs. Read on for important dietary info about you puppy.

Puppies can eat scrambled eggs from the age of 4 weeks and up. Puppies usually begin eating solid foods from 3-4 weeks of age. Eggs are a good source of nutrients such as proteins, calcium (shells), and fatty acids. Egg yolks also help reduce the chances of your dog getting cataracts later in life.

You should cook the eggs thoroughly and give them to your puppies as a treat only. Scrambled eggs should not be a daily food for your puppies because eggs have high cholesterol, leading to obesity if your puppies eat them daily.

Scrambled eggs are perfect for puppies because raw eggs can cause biotin deficiency. Biotin is an important vitamin that gives your puppies healthy skin and a full coat of fur. If you notice your puppies have dry skin, excessive shedding, itching, and scratching, they could be suffering from biotin deficiency. If you have been feeding your puppies raw eggs, you should stop immediately. To improve biotin content in your puppies’ diet, you can mix fresh meats and vegetables in their food.

Scrambled eggs for your puppies need not be prepared the same way as those meant for human beings. You can crack an egg into a bowl and mix it thoroughly with a fork. Place it into a hot skillet and use a few drops of water to prevent the eggs from sticking to the pan.

Move the eggs around with a spatula to get that scrambled look. Once the eggs are cooked, you can serve them to your puppies. Do not use cooking oil to prepare the eggs, as it could cause your puppies to gain excess weight.

5 Week Old Puppies

Most people ask themselves what food they should feed their puppies after they stop taking their mother’s milk. Puppies grow very fast and are always active, and you need to provide them with proper nutrition for building healthy bones and muscles and giving them energy.

You can feed your five weeks old puppies scrambled eggs. At five weeks old, puppies can eat soft solid foods, and scrambled eggs are one of them. Scrambled eggs are rich in proteins, which will help accelerate your puppies’ growth.

However, scrambled eggs should be a treat and not a daily meal. Puppies should eat at least three times a day, and you have to watch what you feed your puppies to avoid any health concerns such as obesity.

The type of breed is an important factor when considering how frequently you give your puppy scrambled eggs. Large breeds such as Great Danes, Wolfhounds, Doberman Pinschers, and Labrador retrievers might develop skeletal and joint problems if they are overfed with eggs. Therefore, you need to control your puppy’s growth to reduce the chances of your pet having health issues such as hip dysplasia later in life.

You should also not restrict calories in your puppies’ diet because if their diet contains less calories, your dogs could also develop hip joint arthritis. It is a tough balancing act and if you are not sure about your puppies’ diet, you should consult your veterinarian for more information.

8 Week Old Puppies

At eight weeks, most puppies have been weaned off their mother’s milk, and you need to find different foods to feed them. Your 8-week-old puppies are growing at a fast rate, and you need nutritious foods to ensure they reach the correct height and weight.

Scrambled eggs are safe and nutritious for your 8-week-old puppy. Since your puppy has been weaned off its mother’s milk, you need to start feeding it soft foods. There are dog foods specially made for puppies because they do not have strong teeth to chew hard foods.

You can mix the scrambled eggs with the puppy food but make sure you do it with moderation. Do not feed your puppy large portions of scrambled eggs. You can cook one scrambled egg for your puppy in a day.

Avoid feeding your puppy table scraps. When you have breakfast and your puppy is sitting close to you, it can be tempting to feed it some of your scrambled eggs. Table scraps can lead to an overtake of calories because your scrambled eggs have cooking oil, salt, and other seasonings.

Puppies love to beg for food while you eat, and you just have to be strong and resist the urge to give it some of your food. If you cannot resist the temptations, eat your breakfast away from the puppy.

Eggs are a staple food in many people’s diets, and every time you make a trip to the store, you get to buy more eggs for breakfast or dinner. A two-month-old puppy is at an important growth period, and it needs vital nutrients to grow into a healthy adult dog. Eggs have important nutrients that help animals grow and stay healthy, and you might be considering cooking some eggs for your puppy.

A two-month-old puppy can eat eggs, both raw and cooked. Sometimes, a puppy can have access to raw eggs, and it will eat two or three raw eggs. Eating raw eggs is bad for your puppy’s health because it can lead to biotin deficiency.

If your puppy has a compromised immune system, it could get ill from salmonella infection after eating raw eggs. Cooking the eggs reduces the risk of salmonella infection and removes avidin, a tetrameric glycoprotein that usually blocks the body from absorbing biotin.

It is important to ask your vet if feeding your puppy eggs is safe. Some dogs have medical conditions that can be exacerbated if they eat eggs. The vet can check your puppy and advise you on whether to feed it eggs.

The vet can also guide you on how to prepare the eggs and the appropriate serving portions. If you see your puppy showing signs of an allergic reaction after consuming eggs, take it to a vet immediately and stop feeding it eggs until your vet tells you it is okay to do so.

There are several ways to cook eggs for your puppy. One of the easiest and quickest ways to prepare eggs for your puppy is scrambled. Scrambled eggs are soft and easy for puppies to chew and swallow.

You can also boil the eggs, remove the shells, and cut them into small pieces before feeding them to your puppy. Some people use the eggshells as a calcium supplement by grinding the shells and mixing them with puppy food. Avoid using oils, spices, or additives when cooking eggs for your puppies because some of them are harmful to dogs.

Wrap Up

When choosing a dog as a pet, some people pick adult dogs while others prefer puppies. When you choose a puppy, you have the opportunity to take care of it and watch it grow into a healthy mature dog.

After weaning the puppies onto solid foods, you will gradually introduce them to different kinds of foods; however, since adult dogs can eat raw or cooked eggs, you might be wondering when you should start feeding your puppies scrambled eggs might be appropriate.

Protein is a key ingredient in a dog’s diet, and most dog foods contain a large percentage of proteins. Eggs are a good source of proteins, and you can feed your puppies scrambled eggs after weaning and continue into adulthood.

You should avoid feeding your puppies raw eggs; it is important to get your vet’s opinion before feeding your puppies scrambled eggs. Dogs metabolize food differently from human beings; therefore, the high cholesterol in eggs will not affect your puppy the same way it does to humans.

You should note that eggs also have negative effects such as excessive weight gain, biotin deficiency, gas, gastrointestinal problems, and allergic reactions. If you want to control some of these side effects, you have to feed your puppies eggs in moderation.

When you eat scrambled eggs for breakfast, do not be tempted to offer some to your puppy. Some ingredients meant for human consumption can be harmful to puppies; therefore, you need to ignore those sad puppy eyes and make it wait for its healthy food.

Bal Kang

Bal Kang is an owner of several pets including reptiles, cats and dogs. An avid writer, who loves to share her insights into caring for pets.

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