How Often Do Your Ball Pythons Poop? (Explained)

Ball pythons have grown famous among pet owners, with both beginner snake fans and experienced snake owners adding these animals to their families. These snakes can make excellent pets, but only if you understand all their different aspects, including their poop. Because understanding your pet’s poop is crucial for their overall health, we took time to research about ball python poop.

So, how often do your ball pythons poop? On average, ball pythons take around 4 to 5 days to digest their meals. Therefore, ball pythons poop about 6 or 7 days after eating. Some might defecate before day 6, while others might take more than one week to poop. It usually depends on several factors such as temperatures, foods, and the environment. However, if more than two weeks pass and your ball python snake still has not defecated, you should visit the vet.

Do you have questions about what snake poop looks like? Or maybe you want to learn more about how long it takes ball pythons to digest their prey. The following sections explain how snake poop looks like, how long it takes ball pythons to digest, and how often you should feed a ball python.

It is crucial to understand that snakes are not like other house pets that are required to eat daily. This is because snakes are cold-blooded and break down food slower than dogs, cats, and many other animals.

Small ball pythons should eat every five to seven days, whereas adults should eat every ten to fourteen days. Feeding young snakes more often is essential for their growth. However, if your young ball python does not want to eat each week, you are allowed to wait longer before feeding him or her again.

Additionally, if you notice your snake growing overweight, it would be best to expand the feeding intervals. On the other hand, if your ball python seems to be losing weight, you will want to try and feed it a bit more regularly.

It is usually challenging for ball python owners to wrap their heads around this unique feeding schedule because ball python snakes are not like many other pets. Once you wrap your head around their feeding schedule, you will realize how low-maintenance these pets are.

Do not be alarmed because of the feeding frequency of ball python snakes. Snakes use little energy to function, and that is why they do not need to eat a lot like the other pets that require a lot of energy to function.

When feeding your ball python, ensure that you provide them with properly-sized prey items. As long as you do that, your snake will receive enough nutrition and not be at risk of malnourishment.

What Does a Snake Poop Look Like?

Understanding how often ball pythons poop goes hand in hand with understanding how their poop looks like. The truth is that it can be hard to identify snake poop, especially if you have no idea of what features to be looking for. Nonetheless, one important thing to note is that snake poop differs significantly from any other poop. The only other poop that comes anything close to snake poop is bird poop because of the white markings. Many people often confuse snake poop for bird poop and vice versa.

Snake poop is often dark brown when fresh. After drying out, the poop usually changes its color from dark brown to chalky. Snake poop is smooth and mushy. In some instances, snake poop will contain fur since snakes feed on mammals. However, even when a snake’s poop has hair, it will generally still be mushy and smooth. Additionally, snakes’ poop can be runny since these animals practically pee and poop out of one hole.

Remain keen on how your snake’s droppings look like so that you can act on time in case your pet has a health issue. For example, even though snake poop can be runny, poop that is too wet could indicate an infection.

How Long Does It Take Ball Pythons To Digest?

Before your ball python can poop, it first needs to digest its meal. The digestion process in snakes is quite intricate, and that is because of various reasons.

Typically, it takes around 4 to 5 days for a ball python to digest its prey. However, it is essential to note that large ball pythons will usually take longer to digest their food than smaller ball pythons because large snakes eat large prey. To help your snake with digestion, make sure you provide a dark and warm hiding area within its enclosure.

A snake can take up to two weeks to digest its meal because of various reasons. Some of the reasons why snakes can take up to two weeks are listed and explained below.

  • Snakes eat their prey whole.
  • Snakes take a long time to swallow their food.
  • Snakes eat bones.
  • Temperature affects digestion.

Snakes Eat Their Prey Whole

The fact that snakes eat their prey whole is the main reason why your ball python takes a considerable amount of time to digest food. Snakes, unlike other animals, do not chew their food. The reason other animals digest their food fast is that they chew it before swallowing. Chewing food before swallowing helps quicken the digestive process.

Digestion does not begin when food reaches the stomach, although many people think digestion begins in the gut. The digestive process starts in the mouth when you chew, break down food, and moisten it with saliva. Because snakes do not chew, break down or moisten their food when moving it from the mouth to the stomach, their digestive process takes longer.

Snakes Take Long To Swallow Their Food

Snakes do not swallow their food as quickly as other animals. When you feed your snake, the prey does not immediately move to the snake’s stomach. For food to move down a snake’s belly, it has to move down the throat. Moving food down the throat is not easy for a snake because of the length of its neck. Also, considering that a snake is horizontal, it must be quite a task moving food down the throat.

Snakes Eat Bones

Eating meals that have bones is advantageous for your pet snake. Bones are good for snakes because they provide calcium. Nonetheless, digesting bones is not easy. To fully digest bones, snakes require a lot of time, stomach acids, and enzymes.

Temperature Affects Digestion

Temperature is another factor that can cause slow digestion in snakes. When it is too cold, it usually takes a long time for snakes to digest their food. Due to their cold-blooded nature, snakes rely on their habitat for warmth, which is crucial for digestion.

When they cannot get the heat they need, digesting food becomes an issue, and at times they have to vomit the food instead of digesting it. Regurgitation can lead to the loss of essential nutrients. Therefore, it is never a good idea to feed your snake too much during the cold seasons if you cannot provide enough warmth.


Hopefully this article’s information on how often ball pythons poop helps you. If, for example, your ball python takes more than two weeks after eating to defecate, you might want to visit a vet. Understating how snake poop looks and remaining keen on how your snake’s droppings look is also crucial as you will act when you notice a change in droppings. A healthy pet equals a happy pet owner.

Bal Kang

Bal Kang is an owner of several pets including reptiles, cats and dogs. An avid writer, who loves to share her insights into caring for pets.

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