Bearded Dragons Hearing (Sounds they can hear)

Most pet owners like talking to their pets to bond with them. When it comes to bearded dragons, you may want to know whether your talking is in vain and whether your pet can hear other sounds from your household.

So, can bearded dragons hear sounds? Bearded dragons hear sounds. In fact, they have an excellent hearing ability. This ability enables them to stay safe from predators, especially in the wild, and become good hunters by listening to their prey’s movements. Knowing whether your pet can hear is important to ensure you do not subject them to extreme stress by putting their tank in spaces near stressful sounds.

Bearded dragons are exciting pets that portray different personalities. While some are timid and submissive, others are brave and active. These personality differences also contribute to their differences in their responses to noise, and understanding your pet is key towards protecting them from disturbing noises.

Loud noises can hurt bearded dragons. The most common reaction to loud noise for a bearded dragon is stress and intimidation. Unfamiliar noises and predator sounds are the most intimidating noises to a bearded dragon. Other household noises such as television, vacuum cleaners, and blow dryers, if prolonged for days or weeks, can stress your pet, and controlling such noise is necessary to keep your pet happy.

Loud music, from your radio or television, can stress your bearded dragon, especially if they have bass vibrations. When you are watching a movie with action scenes, or noises sounding like that of your pet’s predator, you may notice your pet retreating to its hideouts. If this noise is so close to your pet’s tank (and depending on your pet’s personality), the noise can overwhelm them, resulting in stress.

Therefore, before placing your sound system anywhere close to your bearded dragon, you should first watch their behavior to see whether the sound affects them and consider reducing the volume or moving the sound to another room. Alternatively, you should add more natural plants and rocks to your bearded dragon’s tank to provide a hideout where they can feel safe and comfortable upon hearing these noises.

For a bearded dragon raised in captivity, outside noises such as dogs, birds, and cars’ hooting can be intimidating. It is common to see your pet stressed when you take them out for exercise; therefore, starting them off with a walk in the garden before heading to the busy roads and streets would be ideal. You should also allow your bearded dragon enough time to bond with your dog and other household pets until they can feel comfortable that they will not harm them.

Household appliances such as hoovers, and vacuum cleaners can cause sudden unfamiliar noises that may stress your pet. Since it is impossible to avoid using these appliances, you should provide a hideout for your pet to stay until you are done using these appliances. Natural noises such as barking dogs, which last for a short while, maybe challenging to control. However, if you love loud music and it stresses your pet, reduces the volume to keep your pet happy and healthy.

Do Bearded Dragons Have Good Hearing?

It is common to wonder whether bearded dragons hear and, if they do, whether their hearing is as good as human beings.

Bearded dragons have goods hearing that allows them to run away from their predators and also hunt their prey easily. They lack an external ear but have an inner ear that functions similarly to other species’ ears. With this ear, they can hear their owner’s voice very well and will respond to their name or when the owner sings for them. Speaking to your bearded dragon often; therefore, helps them master your voice as they can hear you.

Good hearing in bearded dragons is useful in the wild to enable them to avoid their predators. Their common predators include cats, pythons, foxes, and birds. Given these predators’ hunting abilities, the good hearing ability allows bearded dragons to detect their predators even before seeing them and run for safety.

The good hearing also enables a bearded dragon to catch its prey in the wild. It takes long before a bearded dragon comes across a fly or insect, and this waiting period can prolong with poor hunting skills.

Therefore, to enable them to survive in the wild, bearded dragons can detect the sound these insects produce and hunt them for food. However, good hearing is not as important if you have your pet in the tank as you will supply them with food and only need their eyes to see where you have placed it.

Finally, good hearing enables a bearded dragon to respond to you when you call out their name. If you have taught your pet how to respond to their name, they will always come to you when you call them. Their ability to respond to their name is also key towards their safety, as it will be easier to find them should they get lost around your home or garden.

What Does It Mean When a Bearded Dragon Makes Noise?

Bearded dragons are social pets, and while they may use body language to communicate to their owner, they can also make noise to signal certain things.

Bearded dragons can make certain noises to signal their owner or other dragons of certain things in their environment. These pets, unlike other lizards, have weak vocal cords and will make hissing and gurgling noises when they are sick, excited, or under pressure. As the owner, interpreting these noises will help you attend to your pet effectively and improve your relationship.

Usually, when a bearded dragon is scared or threatened, they will hiss. Introducing a new dragon to your pet will stress your pet, and they may hiss at one another as they attempt to get along.

If someone in your household, especially the younger ones, mishandle your bearded dragon because they lack the know-how, the bearded dragon may hiss and, in other instances, bite them. Finally, when you shock your pet, such as picking them from behind, they may react with a hissing sound. To avoid this, always pick your pet from the front.

Besides making noises to signal shock or threat, a bearded dragon will also make gurgling or raspy noises when sick. This is especially if the type of illness causes them to struggle to breathe. If you notice this with your pet, calling a vet as soon as possible is necessary to get them back on track.

Do bearded dragons like music?

Bearded dragons are intelligent pets and have been known to have the ability to distinguish certain sounds. Therefore, you might be wondering if your bearded dragon enjoys the music you play at home. Well, there is a strong possibility that your bearded dragon is enjoying the music that you are listening to in your house.

Bearded dragons do enjoy some certain type of music. They have excellent hearing and can differentiate many sounds, which they use in the wild to avoid predators. Not all bearded dragons are the same, and some might enjoy a certain genre of music while others will not like it. If you have a bearded dragon in your home, it is time to experiment and see what kind of music they like.

The bearded dragon’s sensitivity to sounds makes it an excellent listener. They can hear certain sounds that we humans cannot hear. Read on to find out more about bearded dragons liking music, what they like to play with, how to know if they are happy with the music and if they are sensitive to noise.

It is possible for the pets in your home to enjoy certain types of music. There are numerous videos on the internet showing people dancing with their dogs and cats. Owners of bearded dragons might wonder if their pets would enjoy the music they are listening to.

Bearded dragons are smart pets; hence, they know what music is, and they will respond appropriately when you start playing music. Bearded dragons like soft and calm music played at a low volume. If you play loud music such as death metal, your bearded dragon will not enjoy it.

Bearded dragons have a very good hearing at low volumes. You can play your favorite calm songs at low volume and observe how they react. Their high affinity for sounds impacts their taste in music. If you like loud rock and roll music, you will not enjoy the music with your bearded dragon.

You should play different genres of music and see which genre your bearded dragon enjoys the most. Be very attentive and note all the signs that your bearded dragon exhibits when you play different music genres.

Bearded dragons have different personalities, there are those friendly bearded dragons that are easy-going, and there are tense bearded dragons that can get stressed quickly. This means that some will enjoy a particular genre of music, and others will not. Many owners had shared experiences of how the mood of the bearded dragons changed when they heard music.

However, too calm or too soft music can also make your bearded dragon uneasy. Most predators in the wild move quietly and also produce soft sounds. If your bearded dragon hears a sound that is too stealth, they might think a predator is near and become uneasy. Find a middle ground for your bearded dragon to avoid having a stressed-out pet. Most bearded dragons enjoy classical music, singing, humming, and acoustic guitar.

What Do Bearded Dragons Like To Play With?

Just like any other pet, toys are important for house pets. They keep them entertained and are a great way to exercise your pet and keep them active. Bearded dragons also enjoy certain toys or simple accessories; hence, you will not lose a lot of money shopping for fancy toys.

Bearded dragons enjoy playing with several toys. One of the toys a bearded dragon will play with is a wand or teaser toy. All you have to do is grab it and dangle it in front of the bearded dragon. They will spend a lot of time playing with the wand. They also like to play with small balls and floaties. Another item is the hammock; it is a must-have item in a bearded dragon’s habitat.

A bearded dragon can also spend a considerable amount of its time playing with a hide. A hide is a small item where the bearded dragon can go inside and hide. They are miniature shelters for the pet, and they come in various designs such as caves and logs.

How Do I Know If My Bearded Dragon Is Happy With Music?

Unlike human beings, a bearded dragon cannot tell you if the music you listen to is good or horrible. You have to watch its behavior to know if it enjoys or hates the music being played. Several signs will show you if your bearded dragon is enjoying or hating the music.

You will have to look at the behavior the bearded dragon shows immediately after you start playing the music. If your bearded dragon turns towards the source of the music, they love it. Another sign that your bearded dragon is happy with music is laying down; it will maintain its position when you start playing the music. It will also close its eyes, a clear sign that the music is awesome.

Your bearded dragon will also become active and playful once they hear the music they like. If your bearded dragon is lying down and inactive, it will become energetic once you play music it enjoys. Bearded dragons will also start to show their happy colors; bright and light colors. If you play music and your bearded dragon exhibits any of these behaviors, chances are they are enjoying the music.

There are also behaviors that your bearded dragon will exhibit if it does not like the music. Your bearded dragon will move away from the source of the music. It will try to get as far away from the noise as possible. If your bearded dragon starts to walk away, you should change the music or lower the volume. Sometimes, they might like the music, but the work could be too much for their sensitive hearing.

Are Bearded Dragons Sensitive To Noise?

As a means of survival in the wild, bearded dragons developed a keen sense of hearing. They can distinguish different sounds and know which sounds mean danger and which sounds are safe. They get uncomfortable with sudden changes in noise levels.

So, are bearded dragons sensitive to noise? Bearded dragons are sensitive to noise; they do not like noise. They do not like loud and sudden sounds; they will quickly move away from a source of loud noise. Bearded dragons are also sensitive to low volume sounds associated with predators. If you play a sound of their known predators at low volume, they will get uneasy.

To alleviate this issue, do not put your bearded dragon in situations where they will encounter loud noises. Make sure you build their habitat in a quiet place away from the noise. If you want to own a bearded dragon, please ensure you have a quiet home. If you take it to a home with constant loud noises, the bearded dragon will get stressed.

Bearded Dragons love Chilled Music

Bearded dragons are sensitive pets requiring a quiet home for them to be comfortable and stress-free. Many bearded dragons have been known to enjoy calm and relaxing music. If you play music and your bearded dragon moves away, it is time to change the music or turn off the radio.

Bearded dragons also enjoy playing with toys. You should buy or make some time for your bearded dragon to play with like wands and hides. If you have a bearded dragon, try and experiment with the types of music it likes, this will ensure that you know what to play and what not to play while around it.

Bearded Dragons Can Hear Sound

Bearded dragons are fascinating pets and understanding them is important if you want to enjoy their company. Their friendly nature enables them to display affection to human beings, and with their good hearing ability, it is easier to reciprocate this affection.

Besides using their hearing ability to communicate with them, it is also important that you understand that some noises can disturb your pet and avoid exposing them to such. Natural noises should not worry you as they do not last long, and with good hiding, your bearded dragon will feel safe until the noise fades.

Lastly, you should understand your pet’s noises to know when they are in distress or sick and take appropriate action. With a proper understanding of your pet, you will meet its needs and develop a good relationship with them.

Bal Kang

Bal Kang is an owner of several pets including reptiles, cats and dogs. An avid writer, who loves to share her insights into caring for pets.

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